Project features



Jan 2023

Apr 2023





The Government of the Kyrgyz Republic (GoKR) has requested EBRD to provide assistance to conduct a Gap Analysis of the current framework of the energy sector with regards to integrating RE sources such as wind and solar, and provide recommendations for scaling up private investments in utility-scale and small-scale renewables. The key objectives of this assignment are to conduct a review of the electricity sector, perform a high-level analysis of the technical RE potential and recommend suitable options for scaling up utility-scale solar PV or onshore wind power through private sector investment, including a recommendation for suitable technologies as well as implementation steps. Juru acts as a Technical Advisor in this multidisciplinary assignment for the below scope.

Services provided

Task 1: Detailed review of the country’s electricity sector

  • Review the current energy sector structure, state of the power generation, transmission and distribution systems, end-user tariffs, planned reforms and progress with reform plans; 
  • Assess the potential capacity of utility-scale solar PV and onshore wind considering RE resources, potential E&S issues, grid hosting capacity, proximity to transportation links and power evacuation infrastructure, geological and topographical conditions, flood risks, avalanche risks, etc.;
  • Support data collection and review of financial sustainability of DSO/TSO as possible off-takers;
  • Review of opportunities for the promotion of small-scale renewables/microgeneration;
  • Provide climate resilience considerations to be taken into account for RE sector development;
  • Consider lessons learned from the regional and international experience of scaling up RE sources.

Task 2: Develop recommendations for adding utility-scale solar PV and/or onshore wind

  • Develop recommendations for adding private sector investment into utility-scale solar PV and/or onshore wind; 
  • Advise on capacity, technology and availability of grid connection and site selection mechanisms;
  • Support in the development of recommendations, propose roles, responsibilities, contractual structure/contractual arrangements of different institutions and stakeholders;
  • Outline practical scale-up steps for implementation. Elaborate options for short-term and long-term period.