Project features



Sep 2022

Feb 2023





EBRD is considering to provide a sovereign loan to GoU to reconstruct around 220 km of existing road in Khorezm region, Uzbekistan. Following an FS, the road 4Р156 with a total length of 84 km Urgench-Hanka-Hazarasp – via Tashsaka – Amudarya - road А380 including a new bridge over Amudarya river (km 553) has been selected for further elaboration, including reconstruction and conversion to category 1-B all the way through to junction with road А380. The road has 50 bridges with the total length of 1,149 m and 107 water drainage pipes (1,657 m). The Project is Category A project and therefore requires development of a comprehensive ESIA and supplementary disclosure pack in accordance with EBRD ESP and PRs 2019. 

Services provided

Task 1: Scoping report

Task 2: Full ESIA package, including NTS, SEP, ESMP, BAP   

  • Baseline studies, including:
  • 24-hr noise monitoring at 10 sensitive locations by using sound meter Type 1 (with 100mm windscreen);
  • Continuous air monitoring at 10 locations during 24 hours to measure NOx, CO, SO2 PM2.5 and PM10by AQ mesh;
  • Full chemical analysis of soil quality by collecting 10 samples and 6 surface water samples along 84 km highway (including in Amudarya river;
  • Biodiversity assessment, including:
  • Critical habitat screening;
  • Seasonal mammals, botanical/habitat, reptile survey, including critically endangered species;
  • Social impact assessment, including:
  • Creating profiles of local communities by conducting socio economic surveys in 250 households; 
  • Walkover survey to determine cultural heritage at the proposed project area;
  • Organization of public consultations and ESIA disclosure meetings. 

Task 3: Preparation of Environmental and Social Due Diligence Report (ESDD)

Task 4: Preparation of Environmental and Social Action Plan (ESAP) Report  

Task 5: Preparation of Land Acquisition and Livelihood Restoration Framework Report